Details Of The Zendrum Playing Stand

1st up is an exploded view of the parts
and their relationship to one another.

Next is all the parts assembled together.

Here is how the Zendrum gets into the cradle.
Note the placement of the rubber finger between the
2nd and 3rd triggers on the tail, *FIRST*.

Then, once you can see the straplock peg line up with its corresponding
spring-loaded receiver, gently press down until it "clicks" into place.
If needed, you can adjust the rubber finger with the smaller wingnut
underneath. The straplock alone will do most of the work of securing the
instrument to the stand.

Last shot.
Make sure you tighten "everything down, everywhere" on the stand before
you trust it enough to walk away and forget it.
We've padded the contact surfaces as much as possible, but you're on
your own about scratches and wear and tear on that nice paint job.

One more thing,
There is an additional strap lock peg on the standtop itself in case you
want to keep your strap attached close by for quickly going "mobile"
with your Zendrum.


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