Live Reverse Reverb

Reverse reverb (a whooshing in that precedes a note) can be very impressive. Unfortunately, its nearly impossible to accomplish live under ordinary circumstances, since you would have to sample a sound with reverse reverb, and trigger it BEFORE the actual beat by however long the reverb is. A shift in tempo while playing live would render this fairly impossible.

However, as Zendrummers, we are not in ordinary circumstances. You will need a sampler, proper software and 2 free pads on a Zendrum to do this.

Sample 1 consists of your "hit". Let's assume a clap. Create your reverse reverb in whatever audio software you like, removing the clap itself. Then, extend the whoosh of the reverb - if it was a 1 second rush in, maybe extend the last quarter second so you end up with a 1.5 second rush in. This just takes experimentation and knowing your song application to get it to sound right.

Now, choose 2 pads next to each other (or not) on your Zendrum. Make 1 your reverse reverb, and one your clap. Now assign them both to the same 'mute group' - or whatever your sound module refers to as the way to make an open hi hat terminate the sample when a closed hat is played.

It's that easy. Play the reverb an eight note or so before the hit, play the hit and the reslt is the rushing of reverse reverb cut off by the hit. Play with timing and you find a very cool live trick that adds a studio production edge to your performance.